Adding a new black box to the repository#

This tutorial covers how black boxes and problems are structured in the repository, and what it takes to add a new one.

If you want to implement your own black box and problem, we recommend copy-pasting an existing folder (e.g. sa_tdc), and modifying it to suit your needs. We provide a checklist at the end of this tutorial for the things you need to pay attention to.

The structure of a problem#

If you take a look at the source code of poli, you will find a folder called objective_repository. This is where all the objective functions in the repository live. The structure of a generic problem goes as follows

├── my_problem_name
│   ├──  # Necessary, so that it gets installed with pip.
│   ├── # A BlackBoxInformation containing a desc. of the black box
│   ├──  # The logic of your black box, as complex as you want.
│   ├── environment.yml  # The conda env where runs
│   └──  # Boilerplate for registration and importing.

You can also have as many other files as you want. Think of the folder .../problem_name as a small project as of itself: you can use any internal code you write here, since it’ll be carried with poli at installation time.

For example: let’s take a look at the problem folder of super_mario_bros

├── super_mario_bros
│   ├──
│   ├── environment.yml
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── requirements.txt
│   ├──  #    <--
│   ├── # <--
│   ├──  #      <-- Extra files needed
│   ├── simulator.jar  # <-- to run the black box.
│   └──  #  <--


As a general rule: don’t assume that your files will be there after pip install git+.... File endings different from .py and .yml will be ignored by pip during installation. An alternative, then, is to download them in your or

Specifying your problem information in

We recommend you create a script called, and write your black box’s information in it:

# my_problem_name/

from poli.core.black_box_information import BlackBoxInformation

my_problem_information = BlackBoxInformation(
    name="my_problem_name",           # HAS to be the same name as the folder.
    max_sequence_length=2,            # Maximum sequence length (usually np.inf)
    aligned=True,                     # Whether sequences are aligned.
    fixed_length=True,                # Whether sequences have fixed length.
    deterministic=False,              # Whether the problem is deterministic
    alphabet=None,                    # A potential alphabet of accepted tokens
    log_transform_recommended=True,   # Whether the output should be log-transformed
    discrete=False,                   # Discrete inputs
    padding_token="",               # A token that could be used for padding

A generic

Think of as the entry-route to all the complex, dependency-heavy logic of your black box.

We expect you to implement a subclass of an AbstractIsolatedFunction. These are dynamically instanced in isolated environments, such as the one you provide in `environment.yml.

The average structure of this file would be as follows:

# my_problem_name/,
# able to run inside the conda env you specify in environment.yml

# Importing whatever you need for the implementation of the black box.
import one_dependency
import another_dependency
from yet_another_dependency import ComplicatedClass

# Importing the abstract isolated function
from poli.core.abstract_isolated_function import AbstractIsolatedFunction

# Your implementation of the isolated logic
# You can have an __init__ if you want!
class MyIsolatedLogic(AbstractIsolatedFunction):
    def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray, context=None) -> np.ndarray:
        Your implementation of the black box function.

        return y

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from poli.core.registry import register_isolated_function

        MyIsolatedLogic,  # Your function, designed to be isolated
        name="my_problem_name__isolated",  #  Same name as the problem and folder, ending on __isolated.
        conda_environment_name="conda_env_inside_environment_file",  # The name of the conda env inside environment.yml.

When run, this script will register your isolated logic. By this, we mean creating a shell script inside ~/.poli_objectives that spawns an isolated process with which we communicate when you query new points.


It is important that name of your isolated function is exactly the name of the folder it’s contained in, followed by __isolated. (We advice using camel_case).

A generic

The average has the following structure

# my_problem_name/
# This one needs to run on a conda env. with minimal dependencies (numpy)
from typing import Tuple, List

import numpy as np

from poli.core.abstract_black_box import AbstractBlackBox
from poli.core.abstract_problem_factory import AbstractProblemFactory
from poli.core.black_box_information import BlackBoxInformation
from poli.core.problem import Problem

from poli.core.util.isolation.instancing import instance_function_as_isolated_process

from poli.objective_repository.my_problem_name.information import my_problem_info

class MyBlackBox(AbstractBlackBox):
    def __init__(
        your_arg: str,
        your_second_arg: List[float],
        your_kwarg: str=...,
        batch_size: int = None,
        parallelize: bool = False,
        num_workers: int = None,
        evaluation_budget: int = float("inf")

        #... your manipulation of args and kwargs.

        # Importing the isolated logic if we can:
            from poli.objective_repository.my_problem.isolated_function import

            self.inner_function = MyIsolatedLogic(...)
        except ImportError:
            # If we weren't able to import it, we can still
            # create it in an isolated process:
            self.inner_function = instance_function_as_isolated_process(
                name="problem_name__isolated"  # The same name in ``.

    # Boilerplate for the black box call:
    def _black_box(self, x: np.ndarray, context: dict = None) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.inner_function(x, context)

    # A static method that gives you access to the information.
    def get_black_box_info() -> BlackBoxInformation:
        return my_problem_info

class MyProblemFactory(AbstractProblemFactory):
    def get_setup_information(self) -> BlackBoxInformation:
        return my_problem_info

    def create(
        seed: int = None,
        your_arg: str = ...,
        your_second_arg: List[float] = ...,
        your_kwarg: str = ...,
        batch_size: int = None,
        parallelize: bool = False,
        num_workers: int = None,
        evaluation_budget: int = float("inf"),
        your_second_arg: List[float] = ...,
    ) -> Problem:
        # Manipulate args and kwargs you might need at creation time...
        # Creating your black box function
        f = MyBlackBox(
        # Your first input (an np.array[str] of shape [b, L] or [b,])
        x0 = ...

        return Problem(f, x0)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from poli.core.registry import register_problem

    # Once we have created a simple conda enviroment
    # (see the environment.yml file in this folder),
    # we can register our problem s.t. it uses
    # said conda environment.
    my_problem_factory = MyProblemFactory()
        conda_environment_name="your_env",    # This is the env specified
                                              # by your environment.yml

That is, the script creates and registers your problem factory.


It is important that name of your problem should be the name of the folder it’s contained in, exactly. (We advice using camel_case).


poli is under active development. The input kwargs to the abstract black box and to the create method are under active development. Your IDE should tell you automatically, though!

A generic environment.yml#

You will usually develop your black-box objective function inside an environment, say your_env. You need to specify all these requirements in the environment.yml, generically:

name: your_env
  - defaults
  - python=3.9
  - pip
  - pip:
    - numpy
    - "git+"

This environment will be created (if it doesn’t exist yet), and will be used to run

Adding your new black box to the repository’s __init__#

Once you do this, you can add an import to poli/objective_repository/

# Add something like this after other imports
from .my_problem_name.register import MyBlackBox, MyProblemFactory

# Add your problem to the available problem factories and black boxes

    "my_problem_name": MyProblemFactory,  # <-- add this

    "my_problem_name": MyBlackBox,  # <-- add this

Testing your installation#

If you

  1. have put your new problem is inside poli/objective_repository,

  2. have an that describes your black box,

  3. have an that implements the complex logic of your black box and registers it,

  4. have a that creates and register your problem factory,

  5. have an environment.yml that describes the environment you use,

  6. have imported your black box and factory in objective_repository/,

then you should be set!

To test, you can run

from poli import objective_factory

problem = objective_factory.create(
    your_arg_1=...,      # <-- Keywords you (maybe) needed
    your_arg_2=...,       # <-- at your_factory.create(...)
    your_kwarg=...,       # <--
                            # For now, only certain types are
                            # supported: str, int, bool, float,
                            # None, and lists thereof.

or you could just import your black box as

from poli.objective_repository import MyBlackBox

f = MyBlackBox(...)

Submitting a pull request#

If you want to share your problem with us, feel free to create a pull request in our repository following the instructions in our MachineLearningLifeScience/poli