Installing foldx

Installing foldx#

One of the main subset of black-boxes of poli relates to foldx, a suite for protein design that allows you to compute, among other things, the change in free energy \(dG\). This software and metric have been used as a black-box for optimization in recent work [Jain et al., 2023, Stanton et al., 2022].

poli can’t install foldx for you automatically, since the software is provided under an academic license. To install foldx,

  1. Go to

  2. Download the academic license. You’ll likely be downloading a zip file with the executable and auxiliary files.

  3. Create a folder in your home directory called foldx.

  4. Place your executable under ~/foldx/foldx. You will need to rename it.

  5. (If you downloaded foldx version 4) Make sure you have the rotabase.txt at ~/foldx/rotabase.txt

If you installed everything correctly, you should be able to run

~/foldx/foldx --help


If you are using mac, it is likely that the operating system will raise a warning about foldx being an unverified executable. You can remove the quarantine with the following command:

# Use at your own risk! This removes the quarantine from foldx 
xattr -d ~/foldx/foldx