Protein solvent accessibility (using foldx)

Protein solvent accessibility (using foldx)#

Type of objective function: discrete Environment to run this objective function: poli protein


This objective function returns the solvent accesible surface area (SASA) of a wildtype and its mutations using foldx and biopython.


If you are interested in computing both a protein’s stability and it’s SASA score, try foldx_stability_and_sasa instead! Just change the name in the create method below.


  • Have foldx installed, and available in your home directory. We expect the following files to be there:

    • ~/foldx/foldx: the binary. You might need to rename it.

    • ~/foldx/rotabase.txt: a text file necessary for foldx to run (only if you are using v4 of foldx).

  • A (list of) wildtype_pdb_file: a (repaired) pdb file of the wildtype.

How to run#

from pathlib import Path
from poli.objective_repository import FoldXSASAProblemFactory, FoldXSASABlackBox

wildtype_pdb_path = Path("path/to/your/wildtype_Repair.pdb")

# Creating the black box
f = FoldXSASABlackBox(wildtype_pdb_path=[wildtype_pdb_path])

# Creating a problem
problem = FoldXSASAProblemFactory().create(wildtype_pdb_path=[wildtype_pdb_path])
f, x0 = problem.black_box, problem.x0

# Example evaluation: SASA of your wildtype

How to cite#

If you use this black box, we expect you to cite the following resources:

[1] Schymkowitz, Joost, Jesper Borg, Francois Stricher, Robby Nys, Frederic Rousseau, and Luis Serrano. “The FoldX Web Server: An Online Force Field.” Nucleic Acids Research 33, no. Web Server issue (July 1, 2005): W382–88.

[2] González-Duque, M., Bartels, S., & Michael, R. (2024). poli: a libary of discrete sequence objectives [Computer software]. MachineLearningLifeScience/poli

@article{Schymkowitz:foldx:2005, title={The FoldX web server: an online force field},
  journal={Nucleic Acids Research},
    author={Schymkowitz, Joost and Borg, Jesper and Stricher, Francois and Nys, Robby and Rousseau, Frederic and Serrano, Luis},

author = {González-Duque, Miguel and Bartels, Simon and Michael, Richard},
month = jan,
title = {{poli: a libary of discrete sequence objectives}},
url = {},
version = {0.0.1},
year = {2024}