Registering an objective function in poli#

With poli, you can define and register black box objective functions. This page shows you how. For the entire script, check in the examples of poli.

An example of a discrete black box function#

First, you need to define your black box function (inheriting from AbstractBlackBox).

As a basic example, consider the problem of searching sequences of length \(L=5\) for the particular sequence “ALOHA”. We can define the following objective function:

\[ f(5\text{-letter word}) = \#\text{of letters that match with ALOHA} \]

Two examples of how this function would evaluate:

\[ f(\text{ALOOF}) = 3, \text{ because of A, L, and O.}\]
\[ f(\text{FLEAS}) = 1, \text{ because of L.} \]

We can define and register this function into poli as follows:

Defining black-box functions in poli#

poli implements an abstract class for black box functions, and you only need to inherit from it. The syntax goes like this:

import numpy as np

from poli.core.abstract_black_box import AbstractBlackBox
from poli.core.problem_setup_information import ProblemSetupInformation

# L stands for sequence length.
class OurAlohaBlackBox(AbstractBlackBox):
    def __init__(self, info: ProblemSetupInformation, batch_size: int = None):
        super().__init__(info, batch_size)

    # The only method you have to define
    def _black_box(self, x: np.ndarray, context: dict = None) -> np.ndarray:
        matches = x == np.array(["A", "L", "O", "H", "A"])
        return np.sum(matches, axis=1, keepdims=True)

As the code says, the only method you need to define is _black_box(x: np.ndarray, context: dict = None), returning a numpy array of size [b, 1]. AbstractBlackBox takes it from there, making sure that the length of the inputs is correct and matches the maximum length specified in info.get_max_sequence_length().

Black-box functions are inside problems. A problem contains not only a black-box objective function, but also the relevant information for the discrete problem: the alphabet, maximum sequence length, whether the sequences are aligned… This next section discusses how to define problem factories, which create instances of the problem.

Defining problem factories#

The class AbstractProblemFactory has two abstract methods you are expected to overwrite:

  • get_setup_information, which returns a class of information including the name of the problem, the alphabet, and a couple more descriptors.

  • create, which returns the black-box function f, the initial design x_0, and its evaluation f(x_0)

Let’s build a problem factory for the AlohaBlackBox:

from typing import Tuple
from string import ascii_uppercase

import numpy as np

from poli.core.abstract_black_box import AbstractBlackBox
from poli.core.abstract_problem_factory import AbstractProblemFactory
from poli.core.problem_setup_information import ProblemSetupInformation

class OurAlohaBlackBox(AbstractBlackBox):
    # the implementation discussed above

class OurAlohaProblemFactory(AbstractProblemFactory):
    def get_setup_information(self) -> ProblemSetupInformation:
        # The alphabet: ["A", "B", "C", ...]
        alphabet = list(ascii_uppercase)

        return ProblemSetupInformation(

    # Adding **kwargs is necessary, since several things usually
    # get passed to the create method at initialization.
    def create(
        self, seed: int = None, **kwargs
    ) -> Tuple[AbstractBlackBox, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        problem_info = self.get_setup_information()
        f = OurAlohaBlackBox(info=problem_info)
        x0 = np.array([["A", "L", "O", "O", "F"]])

        return f, x0, f(x0)

and that’s it! Once you have defined your problem factory, you need to register it to be able to call it on-the-go.


The exact implementation of the aloha problem is slightly different: we allow users to e.g. query both integers or strings. Integers are interpreted as the token ids according to the alphabet.

Check the exact implementation on poli/objective_repository/aloha/

Registering the problem factory#

Creating a conda environment for your problem#

First step is always creating a conda environment for your problem. In this case, we could do with just the base enviroment. However, for completion in the presentation, we will create a conda enviroment called poli_aloha. This is the enviroment description (which can be found under environment.yml in the examples folder for aloha):

# environment.yml
name: poli_aloha_problem
  - defaults
  - python=3.9
  - pip
  - pip:
    - numpy
    - "git+"

Remember that you can create this environment by running

conda env create --file environment.yml

Registering the problem factory in poli’s registry#

The problem factory can be registered using register_problem, from poli.core.registry:



if __name__ == "__main__":
    from poli.core.registry import register_problem

    # Once we have created a simple conda enviroment
    # (see the environment.yml file in this folder),
    # we can register our problem s.t. it uses
    # said conda environment.
    aloha_problem_factory = OurAlohaProblemFactory()

And you’re good! After this, you should be able to call the aloha problem somewhere else, and even using a different conda environment from poli_aloha_problem if you so want.

Where is this problem registered?

poli registers this objective as a shell file .sh inside ~/.poli_objectives.

As you can check, this script runs poli/ inside the conda environment you specified on registration. is the main workhorse of poli: it starts a process in which the objective function waits for next inputs.

Calling the registered problem#

To check that we can indeed call the problem from somewhere else, let’s write a second file called where we instantiate the objective function and query it. We emphasize that this second file can run on any other conda environment (as long as you have poli installed, and the problem registered).

Let’s make sure that the problem is registered. The list of registered problems is available on poli.core.registry’s function get_problems() -> List[str]:

from poli.core.registry import get_problems

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("our_aloha" in get_problems())

If you are running this script from an environment that has poli, and that has aloha as a registered problem, you will see:


Amazing. Let’s remove this print. Now we can create an instance of the problem:

import numpy as np

from poli import objective_factory

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Creating an instance of the problem
    f, x0, y0 = objective_factory.create(
        name="our_aloha", caller_info=None, observer=None
    print(x0, y0)

    # At this point, you can call f. This will create
    # a new isolated process, where the AlohaBlackBox
    # will run inside the conda environment poli_aloha.
    x1 = np.array(["F", "L", "E", "A", "S"]).reshape(1, -1)
    y1 = f(x1)
    print(x1, y1)


Running this script should give you

[['A' 'L' 'O' 'O' 'F']] [[3.]]
[['F' 'L' 'E' 'A' 'S']] [[1.]]


In this tutorial you

  1. Registered a black box objective function as a problem in poli, and

  2. queried it somewhere else, without having to worry about the objective function’s dependencies.

This is a trivial example, since the only dependency is numpy. In other examples you will see problems with more subtle dependencies (e.g. Java runtimes, torch, cheminformatics tools like FoldX, RDKit, or the therapeutics data commons…). Take a look at all the available objective functions here.

In the next chapters, we will define observers (i.e. a logging mechanism) and a simple “Problem Solver” (i.e. a black box optimization algorithm), we will wrap up by solving the aloha problem using the problem solver we define.