

class poli.core.util.proteins.foldx.FoldxInterface(working_dir: Union[Path, str], verbose: bool = False)#

A class for interacting with FoldX, a protein engineering software.


working_dir (Union[Path, str]) – The working directory where FoldX files and output will be stored.

repair(pdb_file, remove_and_rename=False, pH=7.0, remove_heteroatoms=True)#

Repairs a PDB file with FoldX, overwriting the original file if remove_and_rename is True.


Repairs a PDB file if necessary and returns the path of the repaired PDB.

_simulate_mutations(pdb_file, mutations=None)#

Simulates mutations on a PDB file with FoldX.


Reads the energy from a FoldX results file.


Computes the SASA (solvent-accessible surface area) from a FoldX results file.

compute_stability(pdb_file, mutations=None)#

Computes the stability of a protein structure using FoldX.

compute_sasa(pdb_file, mutations=None)#

Computes the SASA (solvent-accessible surface area) of a protein structure using FoldX.

compute_stability_and_sasa(pdb_file, mutations=None)#

Computes the stability and SASA (solvent-accessible surface area) of a protein structure using FoldX in a single run.


Copies the necessary FoldX files to the working directory.

write_mutations_to_file(wildtype_resiudes, mutations, output_dir)#

Writes the list of mutations to a file in the given directory.


The working directory for FoldX.


Union[Path, str]


If True, the FoldX output will be printed to stdout.




This class expects you to use the binary for FoldX v.5. Previous versions relied on a “rotabase.txt” file, which is no longer used.

__init__(working_dir: Union[Path, str], verbose: bool = False)#

Initialize the FoldX object.

  • working_dir (Union[Path, str]) – The working directory for FoldX.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, the FoldX output will be printed to stdout. Default is False.


__init__(working_dir[, verbose])

Initialize the FoldX object.

compute_sasa(pdb_file[, mutations])

Compute the solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) score for a given protein structure.

compute_stability(pdb_file[, mutations])

Compute the stability of a protein structure using FoldX.

compute_stability_and_sasa(pdb_file[, mutations])

Computes stability and sasa with a single foldx run, instead of two separate runs.


Copies the pdb file to the working directory.

repair(pdb_file[, remove_and_rename, pH, ...])

Repairs a PDB file with FoldX, overwriting the original file if remove_and_rename is True (default: False).

write_mutations_to_file(wildtype_resiudes, ...)

Writes the list of mutations to a file in the given directory.